Facebook JavaScript SDK(v.17) AppRequest Issue

Hi! I hope this message finds you well. I'm writing to report a bug related to the Facebook JavaScript SDK's(v.17) AppRequest method.

Bug Description: When using the FB.ui method with the apprequests method to send an app request specifying a specific friend using the to parameter, the request is marked as successful, but the targeted friend does not receive any notification on Facebook. However, if the to parameter is omitted, and the friend is chosen from a list manually, the notification is successfully delivered.

Code Snippet: FB.ui( { method: "apprequests", title: "title", message: "message", to: "friendId", data: "data", }, function(response:unknown){ console.log(response); } );

Expected Behavior: When providing the to parameter with the ID of a specific friend, that friend should receive a notification about the app request on Facebook.

Actual Behavior: Despite receiving a successful response from the Facebook SDK, the targeted friend does not receive any notification when the to parameter is provided.

Steps to Reproduce: Use the provided code snippet with a valid friendId. Execute the code to send an app request. Check if the targeted friend receives a notification on Facebook.

Workaround: I have implemented a workaround to ensure that the targeted friend receives the app request notification. The workaround involves utilizing a custom filter with only one friend.

Best regards

ถามแล้ว ประมาณ​ 7 เดือนที่แล้ว

The same problem with mobile SDKs.

1 มีนาคม เวลา 07:44 น.