HTTP/2 400 returned for "https://graph.facebook.com/v17.0/{page}/feed

I am trying to retrieve part of a feed from a page in order to generate statistics on likes and impressions for my application. However, for the past few days, this API doesn't seem to be responding correctly, and when testing it with the Graph Explorer, I encounter the following error:

{ 'error': { 'message': '(#10) This endpoint requires the 'pages_read_engagement' permission or the 'Page Public Content Access' feature. Refer to https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/review/login-permissions#manage-pages and https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/review/feature#reference-PAGES_ACCESS for details.', 'type': 'OAuthException', 'code': 10, 'fbtrace_id': 'AgSuq2b9iAIG2vio079jDng' } }

Yet I do have the 'pages_read_engagement' permission...

Any ideas?

I am using the following URL: https://graph.facebook.com/v17.0/{my-page}/feed?fields=id%2Ccreated_time%2Cis_published%2Cmessage%2Cattachments%7Bsubattachments%7Bmedia%7D%7D%2Cinsights.metric(post_impressions_unique%2Cpost_clicks_unique%2Cpost_reactions_by_type_total%2Cpost_engaged_users%2Cpost_negative_feedback_unique)&access_token={my-token}

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