Partial Outageshare-external
FBAudienceNetwork.framework has an invalid CFBundleIdentifier '$(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER)'

我使用FBAudienceNetwork.framewor的版本为6.15.2,在上传appstore审核时候报错。 Asset validation failed (90059) This bundle **********/Frameworks/FBAudienceNetwork.framework is invalid. The value for key CFBundleVersion [$(CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION)] in the Info.plist file must be no longer than 18 characters. Please find more information about CFBundleVersion at (ID: 06fa5bc1-903d-4ece-8260-4513fe6ab215)

Asset validation failed (90049) This bundle is invalid. The bundle at path **********/Frameworks/FBAudienceNetwork.framework has an invalid CFBundleIdentifier '$(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER)' There are invalid characters(characters that are not dots, hyphen and alphanumerics) that have been replaced with their code point '\u0024\u0028PRODUCT\u005fBUNDLE\u005fIDENTIFIER\u0029' CFBundleIdentifier must be present, must contain only alphanumerics, dots, hyphens and must not end with a dot. [see the Core Foundation Keys at] (ID: 9be01e02-2eee-4017-a21e-df4ea0f9cdc3) 我也尝试了6.16.0的版本,但还是同样的问题。请问如何解决?

RJ Pan
Asked last Thursday