Business Login for Instagram Embedded URL Failing


I am using the embedded URL provided in the "API Setup with Instagram Business Login" section, but it's redirecting to an error page displaying the message "Please wait a few minutes before trying again," along with a 429 error.

This issue is intermittent, but it persists for extended periods.

Thank You

Asked about 2 months ago
Selected Answer

You would edit your scope. Correct is: "business_basic,business_manage_comments,business_manage_messages,business_content_publish"

November 19 at 8:38 PM

Thank you for this prompt. The API setup with Instagram business login' section does provide you with an Embed URL which is indeed the 'wrong' labelled scopes. That being: "instagram_business_basic%2Cinstagram_business_manage_messages%2Cinstagram_business_manage_comments%2Cinstagram_business_content_publish" the 'Permission name' and not the 'scope' name. Not the most reassuring start to using this API...

November 20 at 9:20 AM