Partial Outageshare-external
Does Meta use event_source for deduplication

We are trying to improve our user event tracking by also enabling server events via CAPI. We already have browser events set up (Pixel). We want to avoid duplication.

The first place we want to enable this in is a multi-step flow, where we want to track if users drop out on a specific step. Now if we send a 'ViewContent' event on each step, with an event ID, do we need to generate a unique event ID for each step (that then gets sent both in browser and server events), or does the event_source_url parameter count for deduplication at all because the URL is different in each one? It would honestly be logical to also use that parameter for deduplication but it doesn't say it in the documentation.

We have a small technical problem where our Pixel setup is actually enabled via a third party platform that injects JS into our website, and server events must be sent from application code, so generating an event ID for each ViewContent event is not possible. We can only generate one event ID per user session and read that from both the application and the third party platform.

Another option would be to use custom events and simply have a unique name for each step, but is that the only solution here?

Asked about 2 weeks ago