Error: WhatsApp test numbers are currently unavailable in Quickstart -> API Setup. Is this a bug or have I missed some verification step?

Trying to get my test number and continue to run into this error. Not sure if it's a permissions issue with a vague error message or if it's a genuine bug

Asked last Tuesday
Selected Answer

I've seen a few other threads covering the same issue where people are suggesting you need to set a privacy policy URL for the app then it might work. Not sure if any of you have had any luck?

September 24 at 11:40 PM
Akib Hasan

Tried it didnt work

September 25 at 11:51 PM

I've also been facing the same problem for about a week now and haven't found a solution yet. From what I understand, the error appears to be in the creation of the temporary number. It would be great if it at least allowed you to configure a new number, but even that is not possible.

September 25 at 9:02 PM

I've got my whole account blocked for a non-existing test number, provided without asking, and now I can't use the number I was trying to, the analysis didn't solve it, and I cant even post here cause it's buggy

September 24 at 12:31 PM

this developer portal is extremely buggy and not very nice to use. Is a big downgrade from using other services

September 24 at 11:34 PM

I am getting the same error.

September 24 at 11:40 PM

I'm experiencing the same issue here. Additionaly, when I do register the number successfully I'm not getting any response from the API. Meaning anyone who contacts my WhatsApp number I'm not being notified by the API.

September 24 at 12:30 PM

seems like a lot of us are having an issue with the API

September 24 at 11:33 PM

Same here

September 24 at 10:10 PM