Events Manager not showing correct data

Events Manager is showing my app's Android events inconsistently: - Complete Registration is correct (corresponding to the method call logEvent(AppEventsConstants.EVENT_NAME_COMPLETED_REGISTRATION) ) - All other events are 1-3% of the real values (most notably, Rate App and Purchase - which correspond to the method calls logPurchase() and logEvent(AppEventsConstants.EVENT_NAME_RATED) )

The Android app is running SDK version 16.3.0. Regarding the implementation itself, it is based on a combination of 1) following the documentation ( as best as is possible while, 2) not also flagging errors in Logcat. It's possible that the documentation is not up-to-date with the latest SDK; following the documentation 100% causes a large number of Logcat warnings and errors.

Is there a way to troubleshoot this? I am happy to answer any specific questions.

Asked about 9 months ago