Threads API Tests Not Being Counted in Use Case

I have confirmed that communication with the Threads API is working correctly in the application, and that requests and responses are being received properly. I have also verified the access tokens and endpoints, and conducted real device API communication tests using multiple tester accounts.

However, no API Tests are being counted under the Use case.

What else should I check to ensure that the API Tests under the Use case are being measured (communicated) correctly? Additionally, there is no way to send requests to the Threads API via the Graph API Explorer, leaving me at a dead end.

Do I need to pass the API Tests in order to proceed to the App Review in the first place?

If anyone has any information, I would appreciate your help.

Please note, I have categorized this under a different category as there is no specific category for the Threads API.

安部 友樹
已發問 約 3 個月前

Same here


They have not finished this. The API tests are not counted yet. When you go to Testing tab, you can see a message "Testing not started" on the right side under "Access the Threads API" section.

Additionally, their graph api testing is also not ready as you can not generate access token from the graph api explorer.

I was able to connect, auth, and fetch threads posts but there are limitation too - Insights one is not working at all and you can not get carousel posts (only one media is being returned), poll posts, and gif images data. Only the text data is available for these type of posts.

I think their API is still in initial stage and we will have to wait for few more days to get all the data and they will start showing API calls count.

Let me know if you have any additional info :)



I am currently stuck at this error when creating the app:

( redirect to the user with the correctly filled values: ?client_id=< THREADS_APP_ID> &redirect_uri=<REDIRECT_URI> &scope= &response_type=code &state= // Optional

But I get this error - No application data was given: There was a problem getting data for an application. The application may not be valid or there is a temporary glitch. Please try again later.

Do you have any ideas ? Many thanks !


Hi, I believe you entered app details correctly to build the auth URL. I have created a WordPress plugin that you can check the code from - The readme file also has all the steps needed for creating a meta developer app.
