Ad creative ID not found in ads list


I'm having an issue with the way we retrieve ad data related to Facebook posts. Here's the process we follow:

When a lead clicks the CTA on a Facebook post, the post’s URL is sent to our services through Twilio, whit the post url we have the post id.

We then fetch the corresponding ad as follows:

  • First, we retrieve the promotable_id with the post id using the Posts API endpoint.
  • Then, using promotable_id we find the ad creative ID using the Ads Creatives API endpoint..
  • Finally, we query the ad details with the ad creative ID using the Ads API endpoint.

Issue: Sometimes the ad creative ID is present in the list of ads returned by the Ads API, but other times it's missing. I have two questions about this:

  1. Why does the ad creative ID sometimes not appear in the list of ads, even though we follow the same process?

  2. Is there an easier way to find the announcement related to a specific post?

For your reference, here is the documentation we are using:

Post API endpoint -> Ad Creative API endpoint -> Ads API endpoint ->

Thank you in advance for your assistance. Looking forward to your response.

Best regards, Mauricio

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