Data mismatching for the metrics Conversions, Conversion_value & add_to_cart between Ad Insights API(using Async jobs) and Meta Ads Manager.

Hi Team, I've observed data mismatching for the metrics Conversions, Conversion_value & add_to_cart between Ad Account Insights API(using Asynchronous jobs) and Meta Ads Manager(Ads Reporting page) while fetching in day wise. Even I have tried by setting the parameter “use_account_attribution_setting” to “true“ as mentioned in the Insights API documentation page( Here's my complete flow, 1. Initiation of my export job url: export_url = ( f"{self.ad_account_id}/insights/export" ) Here'r the parameters I have been using: self.params = { "access_token": auth_token, "fields": "campaign_id,campaign_name,adset_name,ad_id," "ad_name,spend,clicks,impressions," "account_currency,actions,action_values", "async": "true", "level": "ad", "limit": 500, "time_increment": 1, "use_account_attribution_setting": "true", "breakdowns": "publisher_platform", "action_breakdowns": "action_type", "filtering": '[{"field": "action_type", "operator": "IN", ' '"value": ["purchase", "add_to_cart"]}]' } 2. After successfull completion of the job which is initiated, by using that job_id I have been fetching the data by giving that job_id to another API and here it is, url = f"{job_id}/insights" params = {'access_token','limit'}

Can you please help me as soon as possible?

Thanks in advance!!

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