Since today the following request
curl '$ACCESS_TOKEN&summary=&fields=id%2Cname%2Cprice%2Cretailer_id&filter=%7B%22retailer_id%22%3A%20%7B%22contains%22%3A%20%2243214b42-30fe-4306-bf44-10a46e68f105%22%7D%7D&limit=100' | jq '.data[]'
with same url decoded, for your reference and readability:$ACCESS_TOKEN&summary=&fields=id,name,price,retailer_id&filter={"retailer_id": {"contains": "43214b42-30fe-4306-bf44-10a46e68f105"}}&limit=100
does not return all requested product fields as per the request query parameters:
Instead the request only returns products with the field name
{"data": [{"name": "Museau 400 g"}], ...}
{"data": [{"id": "..........", "name": "Museau 400 g", "price": ....., "retailer_id": .......}], ...}
All graphi api versions are affected.
I kindly ask for your support.