After sent whatsapp flow to mobile , then when user clicks flow button they are getting "something went wrong" error instead of opening apperaing screen( only some android devices)

This is my payload { "version": "5.0", "data_api_version": "3.0", "routing_model": { "FIRST_SCREEN": [] }, "screens": [ { "id": "FIRST_SCREEN", "title": "Demo Screen", "terminal": true, "layout": { "type": "SingleColumnLayout", "children": [ { "type": "Form", "name": "text_input_form", "init-values": { "text input": "This is text input", "text area": "This is text area" }, "children": [ { "type": "TextInput", "required": true, "label": "Text Input", "name": "text input" }, { "type": "TextInput", "required": true, "label": "Number Input", "input-type": "number", "name": "number input" }, { "type": "TextInput", "required": true, "label": "Email Input", "input-type": "email", "name": "email input" }, { "type": "TextInput", "required": true, "label": "Password Input", "input-type": "password", "name": "password input" }, { "type": "TextInput", "required": true, "label": "Passcode Input", "input-type": "passcode", "name": "passcode input" }, { "type": "TextInput", "required": true, "label": "Phone Input", "input-type": "phone", "name": "phone input" }, { "type": "TextArea", "required": true, "label": "Text Area", "name": "text area" }, { "type": "Footer", "label": "Continue", "on-click-action": { "name": "data_exchange", "payload": { "text input":"text input", "baskar":"hi this new flow" } } } ] } ] } } ] }

提问时间: 周五

Can you share the data channel response which you are sending on INIT request? and Can you also share on which android devices you are facing this issue and if the issue is persistent on these devices?

9月27日 02:24

Response id : { "messaging_product": "whatsapp", "contacts": [ { "input": "256701769779", "wa_id": "256701769779" } ], "messages": [ { "id": "wamid.HBgMMjU2NzAxNzY5Nzc5FQIAERgSODdBNTEyRTQxRDgwQ0ZGM0Y2AA==" } ] }

Android device version is 9 and iphone 11 is alsonot working

9月27日 03:34