BUG - Photos and Videos Endpoints Returning Empty Results

After the latest depreciation of APP v13, the photos and Videos endpoints stopped returning data.

As per the documentation found here, https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v14.0/page/photos, we need the "pages_read_engagement" and the "pages_show_list" permissions to be able to read content.

The documentation also states that "By default reading from the photos edge returns the current profile picture for the Page as well as previous profile pictures. Use the optional type parameter with the value uploaded to get the photos that a Page has uploaded."

Below is a sample examples for the Photos Endpoint.


which returns the following response: { "data": [] }

If we use the same endpoint without the type=uploaded we do get the profile picture just like mentioned in the documentation.

提问时间: 约 3 个月前