Ngừng hoạt động một phầnshare-external
Can we do something about the major issue with employment ads being rejected?


There is a major issue with the employment ads reviewing system. A lot of ads are being rejected and flagged, mostly as scams, within this ad category. I understand there are specific requirements and rules for this category, and I ensure all of them are followed. However, many of my ads are still being rejected by your automated system. Even when I appeal for an additional review, some ads get rejected again, while others are approved after an additional appeal. Now, my ad account has been disabled because Meta has flagged my account due to the high number of rejections.

Please note that all of the rejected ads were not scams and were unfairly flagged. One of the legitimate employment ads was even flagged as sexual activity content, which is absurd. I need someone to address this issue because if it's not fixed, I don't understand how we are expected to run employment ads on Meta platforms.

Đã hỏi khoảng 2 tháng trước
Câu trả lời được chọn

The issue remains unresolved. Is there a way to get in touch with the ''internal team''?

25 tháng 10 lúc 07:03