Starting about 2 months ago, we began having problems with Open Graph, and are wondering what we need to do now to avoid these problems?

Starting about 2 months ago, we began having the following problems:

1) When we use the Facebook Graph API to post onto our client's timeline, sometimes the post is displaying the post's image as a blank 1 x 1px image (for example: But when viewed by someone using a different computer or mobile device, the same image will sometimes display correctly.

2) For some postings, when scraping the posting with the Meta Sharing Debugger, we get the following error message, even though other posts with similar URLs are scrapping correctly: "Can't Download. Could not resolve the hostname into a valid IP address."

Please see the following screenshot for this example URL for the Sharing Debugger:


What do you think we should do to avoid these problems? Thanks!

Chiesta circa 3 mesi fa