Template footer is not being sent

Hi We are trying to send an approved message template with a footer. The footer is not showing up. The WhatsApp template id is 1531682427695375, and here's the response we get from the graph API explorer,

{ "name": "campa_a_14", "components": [ { "type": "BODY", "text": [REDACTED] }, { "type": "FOOTER", "text": "Déjanos un mensajito con tu confirmación" } ], "language": "es", "status": "APPROVED", "category": "MARKETING", "id": "1531682427695375" }

When a message is sent using this template, with a parameter set that looks like the following,

{:type=>:template, :template=>{:name=>"campa_a_14", :language=>{:code=>"es"}, :components=>[{:type=>:body, :parameters=>[{:type=>:text, :text=>"Martin"}]}, {:type=>:footer, :text=>"Déjanos un mensajito con tu confirmación"}]}} it's not showing up on the WhatsApp client, attached you can see the message on WhatsApp.

When trying to send via the Cloud API, we get the following error,

Unexpected key \"text\" on param \"template['components'][1]\"

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