Graph API error: Please reduce the amount of data you're asking for, then retry your request

Hello everyone,

I am writing this on behalf of Rivery.io, where I work as a Product Manager. Lately, some of our clients have encountered a persistent issue while using the Facebook Marketing API, and I would appreciate your guidance around it.

The issue is caused when trying to retrieve data about specific pages using their ID via the GET Insights API request, which has the following structure: curl --location --request GET 'https://graph.facebook.com/v15.0/XXXXXXXXXXX/insights?access_token=XXXXX&since=1691823600&until=1691996400&metric=page_daily_video_ad_break_ad_impressions_by_crosspost_status,page_daily_video_ad_break_cpm_by_crosspost_status,page_daily_video_ad_break_earnings_by_crosspost_status,page_video_views,page_video_complete_views_30s,page_video_view_time&period=week&limit=10

When we make this request, we receive the following error message: "Please reduce the amount of data you're asking for, then retry your request." This doesn't make sense as, in this case (for example), we only ask for a small amount of data, and I've even tried limiting the request to 10 items using limit=10'.

This worked perfectly until about two weeks ago when jobs started to fail sporadically without any change from our end.

Has anyone else experienced this problem, or does anyone have any suggestions on how I might resolve it?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

已發問 大約 1 年前

Did you ever figure out what was going on here? We are running into this on the insights endpoint as well.

1月17日 11:28

We encountered the same issue also, but not related to Facebook Marketing API. It's just normal Graph API, where we are trying to get the user Instagram Media Count, and got the same error. As for now, I also still thinking on how to overcome this. As we need the total number of media posted by the instagram user.

3月24日 18:13