Webhooks are not coming to Wazzup DEV IAPI

App ID: 1991863134300981

Hello, our developers say that our application Wazzup DEV IAPI don't receive webhooks on instagram direct messages, we only get webhooks on post comments.

For example, we received a webhook on a comment like this: {"module":"dev-channels-insta-official","action":"Webhook received","body":{"entry":[{"id":"17841466510612442","time":1719321720,"changes":[{"value":{"from":{"id":"734339678700740","username": "lion_insta007"},"media":{"id":"17855429184173684","media_product_type":"FEED"},"id":"18104647579404569","text":"Test"},"field":"comments"}]}],"object":"instagram"},"level":"trace","_ctx":{}}

But on direct messages we don't receive webhooks of any kind and we don't have any logs.

The screenshot shows the correspondence where we don't receive webhooks in any way, i.e. webhooks don't come either for incoming messages or for outgoing messages. It is our test instagram account: wz_wazzup

The developers also clarify that Instagram has a specification in its documentation that without certain permissions webhooks come only for users who have a role in the application. We have specially checked that users have a role, but webhooks do not come from instagram's direct.

Why is this happening? We need these webhooks to test the application, please help to fix it.

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