Issue with Tester Friend List Not Showing Actual Friend IDs

Dear Meta Developer Support Team,

I am writing to seek assistance regarding an issue I am encountering with the Facebook Developer platform. Specifically, when testing my app, the friend list for tester accounts does not display the actual friend IDs, which is hindering our ability to properly test friend-related features.

Details: App ID: 415687618168625

App Name: Social Network Analyzer Issue: When retrieving the friend list for tester accounts using the Graph API, the response does not include the actual friend IDs. Instead, it seems to be showing placeholder data or incomplete information. This issue persists even though the testers are actual friends on Facebook and have granted the necessary permissions. Permissions Granted: user_friends, friends_list, etc. Steps Taken: Verified that both tester accounts are friends on Facebook. Checked that the necessary permissions are granted. Used the Graph API Explorer to test the endpoint. Reviewed the developer documentation for any changes or deprecations related to the user_friends endpoint. Despite these efforts, the issue remains unresolved, and we are unable to retrieve actual friend IDs for testers, which is crucial for our app's functionality.

Request: Could you please assist us in understanding why the actual friend IDs are not being displayed in the tester friend list? If there are any changes or specific configurations we need to apply, please let us know. Additionally, if there are any known issues or updates related to this functionality, we would appreciate your guidance on how to proceed.

Thank you for your time and support. We look forward to your prompt response.

質問日時: 約2ヶ月前