Facebook App Invite is not working

I am implementing a feature in my Unity app to send app requests using Facebook SDK. Here is the code snippet | wrote:

List filter = new List() { "app_non_users" }; string[] filterArray = filter. Selecto => o.ToString().ToArray; FB. AppRequest("Come join me in this awesome game!", null, filterArray, null, O, '', "Invite Your Friends", this.HandleResult);

However, the feature is not working correctly. It displays different screens on iPad and iPhone. Our app is already in live mode, and I want to ensure this works consistently across all devices. For Facebook login, l'm using the following code to request permissions:

var perms = new List() { "public_profile", "email", "gaming_user_picture", "user_friends" }; FB.LogInWithReadPermissions(perms, onLoginAuth);

Any insights on why the app requests screen might be displaying differently on iPad versus iPhone, and how to ensure consistent behavior across devices? Your help would be greatly appreciated!

Asked about 4 months ago