why ads is tracking purchase event even when it offline

the ad was off on July 11 and still tracking the conversation event when its off and the values of the purchase don't not match the prices of the perfume. please help us My email [...]

질문함 약 3개월 전
선택한 답변

👋 Hello Beshoy, Check Offline Conversion Setup If you have offline conversions set up, make sure they are configured correctly. Go to Events Manager > Offline Events and review the setup and data sources. Ensure that no unnecessary offline events are being tracked or incorrectly reported.

If you are not using offline conversion tracking, disable it to prevent any erroneous data. Ensure that only relevant data sources are connected to your Facebook Ads account

In Events Manager, go to the Diagnostics tab to see if there are any issues or warnings about your events.

Most important thing: Match Purchase Values:

Compare the reported purchase values with your actual product prices. Check if the values being sent to Facebook match the prices of your products. Ensure the correct parameters (e.g., value, currency) are being sent with the Purchase event.

7월 16일 오전 2:33
MD Nuru