Generic User error Issue for 4 days and counting
  1. When sending this: ......------------------------------------------------------ curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -i -X POST \ "$waba_id/messages" -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" \ --data @/dev/stdin<<EOF { "messaging_product": "whatsapp", "to": "$fono", "type": "template", "template": { "name": "saludo", "language": { "code": "es" }, "components": [ { "type": "header", "parameters": [ { "type": "image", "image": { "link": "" } } ] }, { "type": "body" , "parameters": [ { "type": "text", "text": "$nombre" }, { "type": "text", "text": "$sintoma" } ] }, { "type": "button", "sub_type": "url", "index":"1", "parameters": [ { "type": "text", "text": "$url_de_pago" } ] } ] }

    } EOF

2. We receive this

{"error":{"message":"(#135000) Generic user error","type":"OAuthException","code":135000,"error_data":{"messaging_product":"whatsapp","details":"Generic user error"},"error_subcode":2494010,"fbtrace_id":"ASq4-0m7KOIn5-MOMh4Ugnx"}}

waba_id is ok phone_id is ok payment is appended

account is apruved

Already delete phone number, and got again inserted on waba. Can only send hello_world messages as stated in webhook configuration api for the applicaciont.

We are 4 days in this situation.

질문함 약 3개월 전

I am having the exact same issue Were you able to resolve it? And how if yes? Thanks

9월 7일 오후 1:02

I discovered that only the hellp message example was the only thats works. And showed it to the help desk. They should saw that changing only the name of template is the difference bettween success and faillure. I assume that someone on Meta is dirty on tests.

9월 7일 오후 5:17
선택한 답변

I didn't change anything on my part. After a few days returned to normal.

9월 7일 오후 2:24