We got a user reporting this error - "The Adcreative Create Failed for the following reason: Something went wrong. Please try again later"
We asked to try to create an entirely new campaign and verified his ad account status and payment method. All is good but he still encountered this error when publishing a new campaign.
The Ad Creative has custom assets
This does not happen all the time
Case : facebook Support :: 991224212699773
We are also having this issue, seems to have come out of nowhere. Please help! it's a blocker for us. A more helpful error message would at least be a start so we can try to do things differently on our end. If it's a server error please send back a 500 instead of 400 so we don't spin our wheels.
Also seeing this issue, though not under all ad accounts. I dont know if it is some how account/campaign/adset related but certain accounts work as expected then others result in this vague error message. Retrying never works.