when users sends a media file to the whatsapp business api how to downlod that image using URL

we integrated whatsapp business api in nodejs. we tested sending text messages, media files and receiving text messages , media files using webhooks. But the problem is when receiving media files for example users sends a image we received media id and based on media id we generate url , but using this url we didn't download the image. it returns 404 error and return facebook login page html code. whats the issue i have all permisssions whatsapp business management permission and whatsapp business messaging permission. it requires stardard accesss or advanced access.

Asked about 3 months ago
Selected Answer


You can refer to the guide, https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/reference/media/

July 5 at 11:07 PM

I already referred this it shows to download media files require whatsapp business messaging and whatsapp business management permisssions. I have both permissions but the problem is i don't know it requires standard accesss or advanced access . i have standard access because i didn't verify my business.

July 7 at 11:25 PM

standard access will work.

July 7 at 11:26 PM

without verifying business we can't download or view the media files

July 7 at 11:26 PM

And one another problem i faced is to send a template message it deliveres very slow almost it takes upto 1 minute. what is the reason?

July 7 at 11:36 PM

There is a bug, and meta claims it will take 1 minute max.

July 7 at 11:48 PM

i have permissions with standard access but i am unableto download media files it returns 404 error when i run this command curl \ 'URL' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' > media_file

July 7 at 11:57 PM

You can see the same note in this section: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/reference/media/#download-media

If media fails to download, you will receive a 404 Not Found response code. In that case, we recommend you try to retrieve a new media URL and download it again. If doing so doesn't resolve the issue, please try to renew the ACCESS_TOKEN then retry downloading the media.

July 8 at 1:31 AM