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Cocoapods, Unity, iOS crash

When using Cocoapods, I've got crash

Thread 1: "FBAdConfigManager is a final class and cannot be subclassed. FBAdConfigManager"

If I add

!use_frameworks :linkage => :static

to the Podfile, it resolves the issue with FBAudienceNetwork, but other Facebook's pods stop working (FBSDKCoreKit, FBSDKLoginKit).

I discovered that Meta distributes static framework in FBAudienceNetwork pod but doesn't set static_framework = true flag in its podspec. If I change the podspec and set static_framework = true flag then everything works fine.

Any temporary workarounds are welcomed. It would be great, if FBAudienceNetwork.podspec could be fixed, since creating my own FBAudienceNetwork pod and maintaining it is a cumbersome solution.

Ditanyakan sekitar 8 bulan yang lalu

Maan. How have you resolved it?

23 September pukul 02.50

or ho do you maintain your own FB pod?

23 September pukul 02.51
Jawaban yang Dipilih

Hi Meta!

It would be great to have the problem fixed in the next version of the FBAudienceNetwork.

9 April pukul 01.20