temporarily restricted from posting statuses

We observe temporary restrictions for posting statuses since May 27th, 0:00. There was no such thing before that date. Using our FB app, we went from zero to 6k-8k of those responses below:

Got error [Could not execute request (https://graph.facebook.com/v6.0/106602246350849/feed): You're temporarily restricted from posting statuses until tomorrow at 15:33. [type:OAuthException] [code:368] [error_subcode:1404078] [error_user_msg:Missing error user message] [error_data:null] [fbtrace_id:APIl0pofT5QhGkiAzQ37tKL]

Got error [Could not execute request (https://graph.facebook.com/v6.0/716108178540487/feed): You're temporarily restricted from posting statuses until Monday at 15:17. [type:OAuthException] [code:368] [error_subcode:1404078] [error_user_msg:Missing error user message] [error_data:null] [fbtrace_id:AcwuwxmFOHZmX3X2bmLVHc4]

Any idea what could have changed at this date?

Asked about 7 months ago