Unable to fetch auth token(server side) based on code returned from Javascript SDK

Hi, I am using Javascript SDK for login and requesting a code instead of token. I am able to fetch the code successfully. Then we send this code to a back-end server where I use clientid, secret, and the code to fetch a long lived token. While doing so I get an error that my redirect uri does not match with uri that i used during the initial login step. When I see the redirect_uri param being set the the login popup I see that its getting set to some auto generated value. e.g - redirect_uri=https://staticxx.facebook.com/x/connect/xd_arbiter/?version=46#cb=f7fc0c0a7ffd29fc1

if I pass this URI while requesting the token then I get error stating invalid app domain.

Question: 1. Is the current flow I am trying allowed? 2. How to set a redirect_uri using java script SDK

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