Ad account 589042553258777

We are using the pixel 558996162994680 in the ad account 589042553258777, but now in the last 24hours stop selling, the clients are not completing any of the purchases. In other words, we have to try to recover these sales later. Can you check what happened?

Asked about 2 weeks ago
Selected Answer

👋Hello Sofia,

Verify the status of your Facebook Pixel (Pixel ID: 558996162994680) in the Facebook Events Manager. Ensure that the Pixel is active and tracking events correctly. Use the Facebook Pixel Helper browser extension to test the Pixel on your website and verify if events like "Purchase" are being tracked correctly. Perform a test purchase and check if the purchase event fires accurately.

Evaluate the user experience and checkout process on your website. Look for any issues or barriers that might be preventing users from completing their purchases. Common issues could include complicated checkout steps, unclear instructions, or technical glitches. Analyze your website traffic and user behavior data to identify any unusual patterns or drops in engagement and conversion rates. Look for any specific pages or steps in the conversion funnel where users might be dropping off.

Retargeting Campaigns: Consider launching retargeting campaigns to re-engage users who abandoned their carts. Use dynamic ads to show them the products they viewed or added to their cart to encourage them to complete their purchases.

if you need any help feel free to ask me👉

April 19 at 6:45 AM
MD Nuru