Help Please Facebook

Please help we are using Facebook Login only with public_profile permissions and ever since a March review.. are app is broken on Apple for Facebook Login. It is working on Android. Something occurred during the March review.. and our app is not allowed to login to Facebook on Apple RaceJoy. Please follow these instructions to see the Facebook Share action for RaceJoy. 1. Install the App from Apple App Store Search for RaceJoy all ONE word. 2. Search for RaceJoy Rocks event using Quick Search on the first page of the RaceJoy App or find the event under Featured Races -> New Jersey -> RaceJoy Rocks event. 2. Select "I want to be Tracked" option and search for user name "Race Joy" (space between words).
3. Follow the prompts after selecting the course options for Race Joy and complete all the setup pages for the event until THE last page "Create a Race Fan Club" page, select the Facebook option to share the event to your facebook wall or personal invitation to send a facebook message to your selected friends. This is our integration with the user's facebook to login and share the event information with friends. 4. This facebook sharing option is also available under the "Social Tile" of the Home Page of the RaceJoy Rocks event once you complete your profile setup wizard pages. Select the Home Page icon from the bottom navigation bar to get to the Home Page of the RaceJoy Rocks event in the RaceJoy app. Then select Social to see the Facebook Login and share actions. 3. The following user tutorial video is also provided to provide an overview of the RaceJoy features:

RaceJoy has been providing tracking services for endurance participants for 10+ years.

Ditanyakan sekitar 7 bulan yang lalu

Correction... is is broken on Android also.

12 April pukul 08.59