I want to create an api in my nodejs app to create listing on my facebook shops

i have a nodejs app and i want to migrate it with facebook shops, specificly i want to create an api endpoint to create a listing on my facebook shop account. i dont know what package to use in my nodejs app and how ! and one more question : i want the same thing with instagram

Asked about a year ago

did you find out the answer??

November 24 at 10:11 AM
Selected Answer

We are not the same. I have an ecommerce website. I created an endpoint that facebook sends a request to it everyday to get all products. Instead of I send request with the new product. They check if they any new products every day

November 24 at 12:37 PM
Selected Answer

Yes. I did a setup an endpoint on my app that experts a xml file of products. And give that endpoint to facebook to fetch that data every day(you can specify. Day or hour or month)

November 24 at 11:29 AM

but you want a endpoint to create a listing on your facebook shop account?

November 24 at 11:39 AM

I also want the same thing want a API which can help me to create a listing because I have multiple accounts and I want to share the same post across multiple accounts I have....means i want to automate my process instead of manually login the account and share the same post for each account

November 24 at 11:42 AM