how to fix error [Developer Policy 1.2 - App is not loading or has broken functionality]

Platform affected: Android We found that the app did not load properly or had issues that prevented us from completing our review. Common examples of this include broken integrations and interface failures (such as broken buttons or links). This violates Developer Policy 1.2.

Ditanyakan sekitar 11 bulan yang lalu

The app has only been connected to sharing and has been listed on Google Play. Self testing shows that the sharing function is normal

14 November pukul 00.40

I downloaded our online application [ferroalloynet] from Google Play and tested it, and it was also successfully shared on Facebook

14 November pukul 19.43

Were you able to solve this?

We're facing the same issue as described here

29 November pukul 01.24
Jawaban yang Dipilih

I've described how to test it and attached a screen record of the sharing feature. It ran well and was submitted, but it returned as before without any comments.

3 Desember pukul 17.16