SERIOUS BUG: Platform policies message coming up again and again with same message despite being resolved 7 times

I keep getting this violation again and again despite getting resolved manually and accepted each time.

This is clearly a SERIOUS BUG in the automated system with no way to contact meta about it.

"ACTION REQUIRED: Violation warning Platform Term 7.a - Provide required information"

I provide all the data again and each time, it gets Resolved with message "Violation Resolved". But then again in a day, the same Action required message pops up in the inbox.

I have gone through this 7 times in a week and it keeps happening. Is the same happening to anyone else?

Asked about 10 months ago

same problem here, please share solution if resolved, thanks

March 13 at 5:19 AM
Selected Answer

Is the link to your policy on one of your registered domains in app settings, and is it accessable?

March 4 at 2:43 AM