FB ShareLink returns incorrect result

We faced an issue with Facebook SDK when using FB.ShareLink (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/unity/reference/current/FB.ShareLink/#more-examples). We have this option to make a share with App (see attached screen). It works, app opens and user can make a share but when it's done and app is closed this login popup stays (if you do it via login from email and password, after you make a share this window closes automatically), so user has to close it manually, but in this case we will get callback with Cancel == true. Is this a bug? if no - how can we understand in this case that share was done?

Đã hỏi khoảng 4 tháng trước
Câu trả lời được chọn

Update SDK: Ensure you are using the latest Facebook SDK for Unity.

Check Documentation: Review the official SDK documentation for any relevant information or known issues.

Contact Support: Reach out to Facebook developer support for assistance.

Alternative Approach: Implement a mechanism to track share success status independently.

Keep Everything Updated: Regularly update your development environment and SDK for compatibility.

2 tháng 1 lúc 10:13

Hello, we tried to update the latest SDK and it didn't work. We just need to understand if this behavior is expected or this is a bug. Who can help us?

3 tháng 5 lúc 07:58