Facebook API | App Review Without UI

I'm looking to integrate the Facebook API into a REST API, but I'm facing a problem, there's no UI where this flow is directly used by a user. Here's the current flow: our commercial team creates Facebook campaigns with lead gen forms for some of our clients, and then the lead information is stored in a Google Spreadsheet through Zapier events. Another Zapier event gets triggered after a new row is written to the Spreadsheet (indicating a new lead), and the data is sent to our API where we process it. After processing the lead data, we send that information to our clients.

The thing is, we want to get rid of Zapier, and to do that we need to complete a few steps like Business Verification. According to Facebook documentation, I need to provide a video of the flow (which is no problem) and access (user & password) so the reviewer can complete the entire flow (here lies the problem). Considering that we are currently using Zapier and manually creating campaigns (I'm aware that this could also be done via the API, but that's still under discussion), I'm not sure how much of the flow the reviewer will be able to replicate because it would require them to have a way to create campaigns, then set up the Zaps on Zapier, manage a spreadsheet on Google Drive, and connect the Google account to create an event for a new lead. Has anyone done something similar before?

I think these are the permissions I need because leads needs others and webhooks too:

Required Permissions to Retrieve Lead Information: pages_manage_ads (required for leads_retrieval)

pages_read_engagement (required for leads_retrieval)

pages_show_list (required for leads_retrieval)


ads_read (to get campaign information, such as the name)

For webhooks (https://developers.facebook.com/ads/blog/post/v2/2018/07/02/lead-ads-retrieval/)




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