Issue with creating AdCreative due to image missing

I'm currently trying to create a AdCreative through the node Business SDK. I'm getting the following error

response: {
      message: "Invalid parameter",
      type: "OAuthException",
      code: 100,
      error_subcode: 1487212,
      is_transient: false,
      error_user_title: "Missing Image",
      error_user_msg: "Please specify an image to run with this ad.",
      fbtrace_id: "AF2m70NSRRFuWsrlGYtUQBt",

My request is the following:

    data: {
      name: "Test Ad Creative - Creative",
      title: "Test Title",
      body: "Test Body",
      object_url: externalUrl,
      image_hash: imageHash,
      object_type: "EVENT",
      id: acctId,

I'm looking to make a ad that serves out to external url. I can't tell from the documentation if I'm simply missing something simple. Any help would be appreciated.

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Which documentation have you checked out? There's the official ones at

29 Juni pukul 05.08

So i initially looked at this stuff but it doesn't seem to cover everything. I may have a working example that I can post I'm waiting on a confirmation after permission reviews.

29 Juni pukul 17.07