Teilweiser Ausfallshare-external
After clicking "Get Started" button no response is returned in messenger.
  1. We have followed the below documentation and done with all the steps, https://www.servicenow.com/docs/bundle/utah-servicenow-platform/page/administer/virtual-agent/task/messg-fbm-setup.html

  2. Business verification and data checkup is also done.

  3. We have subscribed to messages and messaging_postbacks.

  4. Our API version is v21.0.

  5. Set up Get started : Creating Get Started button for the messenger bot

To generate Get Started, we need send a POST api call to the graphAPI of Facebook with following details.

Method : POST URL : https://graph.facebook.com/v21.0/me/messenger_profile?access_token=<verify_token> Headers: Content-Type: application/json Body: { "get_started": { "payload":"hi" } }

But still when we click on Get Started we are not getting any response back.

Gefragt am Montag