Error (#131009) - Invalid Parameter for WhatsApp Button Message

I'm facing an issue with sending button messages through the WhatsApp Business API. The error I receive is:

(#131009) Parameter value is not valid: Button type must be reply

Here's the payload I'm using: { "messaging_product": "whatsapp", "to": "917069891039", "type": "interactive", "interactive": { "type": "button", "body": { "text": "Please select a timing:" }, "action": { "buttons": [ { "type": "reply", "reply": { "id": "time_11_12", "title": "11-12 PM" } }, { "type": "reply", "reply": { "id": "time_12_01", "title": "12-01 PM" } }, { "type": "reply", "reply": { "id": "time_01_02", "title": "01-02 PM" } } ] } } } Could you help me understand what might be causing this error? I’ve ensured all button types are "reply" and the titles are within limits.


Asked about a month ago