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Webhook Not Triggering for WhatsApp Production Number but Works for Test Number – Need Help!

Hi everyone,

I'm currently working with the WhatsApp Cloud API and have successfully set up a webhook that triggers perfectly for our test number. However, when I switch to the production number, the webhook is not getting triggered.

Here’s what I’ve checked so far:

The webhook is properly set up and verified in the Meta Developer Dashboard. Both the test and production numbers are registered and linked to our WhatsApp Business Account (WABA). The test number triggers the webhook without any issues, but no events are being received when using the production number. We have also ensured that the production number is subscribed to the same webhook events (messages, status updates, etc.). Has anyone else encountered this issue? Are there any extra steps or permissions required specifically for production numbers that I might be missing? Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

Ditanyakan sekitar 2 bulan yang lalu

This seems like a common problem, I'm having exactly the same issue. Eager to get some help here.

20 September pukul 01.15

have you managed to resolve this? having the same issue

10 Oktober pukul 13.25
Jawaban yang Dipilih

I'm facing the same issue.

I noticed that when I call the route{{Version}}/{{WABA-ID}}/phone_numbers the production number isn't there, but when I call{{Version}}/{{Prod-Phone-Number-ID}} I can see my number as verified (code_verification_status) and the webhook_configuration pointing to the URL I set to receive the webhook calls.

My app is live, but when I send messages to the prod number, the webhook doesn't call my API. I know it's not a problem with the number because when I make a request to the Send Test Message API, I get the message on my phone.

I don't know what else I can do to fix this.

25 September pukul 18.16

Did you figure anything out? Having the same issue, quite frustrating.

26 September pukul 08.38

I figured out my issue. You probably already did this, but just in case it helps - I needed to make the call under Subscribe Your App at this link. The production number is technically a different WABA ID.

26 September pukul 08.49

Khrystina, Thank you very much! Your reply was exacly the same what I missed.

26 September pukul 11.21