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Display Name is approved, but not showing on whatsapp..

Display Name is approved, but not showing on whatsapp..

Đã hỏi khoảng một tháng trước
Câu trả lời được chọn

Hello Meta,

I am facing an issue in the display name approval process for three new numbers. Can you please help me to find out what the issue is? Please resolve the issue, as it is a very critical issue for the onboarding process. I already read the display name document carefully.

7 tháng 11 lúc 04:14

Same problem with a BSP, I tried to change my display name 5 times, always approved but never changed it in my WhatsApp manager. Meta replied that it was a BSP problem, BSP the contrary

7 tháng 11 lúc 08:05

Hi Meta Team,

Please help us to resolve the issue. It affects our business. Please provide us the solution.

8 tháng 11 lúc 04:31