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Start Building Flows button **not showing**

Hello everyone,

I'm new to WhatsApp for developers and eager to learn how to use WhatsApp Flows, which is ideal for customers because it allows them to complete what they want to do all in one place. However, I'm finding the process quite confusing, especially getting started - from signing up to developing with WhatsApp Flows.

I am trying to learn the basics, so I have App Mode set to developer. I have successfully sent the hello_world template and used Postman to send a pre-approved message template. So, I've only sent two messages so far.

I've successfully verified my business in the Security Center. I'm trying to access the Flows feature in WhatsApp Manager, as the experience with this seems to be a lot more efficient for developing. After clicking on Account Tools, I expected to see a Start Building Flows button on the Flows screen, but this button does not appear. Why is the Start Building Flows button not showing?

As you can see from the image of the screenshots I've uploaded, my business is verified, and my quality rating is high.

Has anyone else experienced this issue? I would greatly appreciate any guidance on how to proceed or troubleshoot this!

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Hello Richard! We are sorry to hear that you are unable to start building WhatsApp Flows. Even though your business is verified there are other steps that you might have not completed yet.

From You will need to verify your business, complete the display name review process and maintain a high message quality.

To ensure high message quality, please go to WhatsApp Manager > Overview, and you'll find more details (the right column of the page).

We are working to make it more clear inside WhatsApp Manager, as we understand right now could be confusing.

14 tháng 10 lúc 09:48