Issue with Facebook Unity SDK Update (ClassNotFoundException: com.facebook.unity.FB)

Dear Facebook Support Team,

I am currently working on updating the Facebook Unity SDK from version 14.0.0 to 16.0.2 for my project (Unity Editor : 2022.3.11f1). However, after updating the SDK and building the APK, I encountered the following error during runtime:

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.facebook.unity.FB

To resolve this, I have already added the following ProGuard rule in my proguard-user.txt file:

-keep class com.facebook.** { *; }

Despite this, the issue persists, and the class com.facebook.unity.FB seems to be stripped or not found during runtime.

I would appreciate any guidance or support in resolving this issue. Please let me know if there are any additional steps or configurations required to ensure compatibility with version 16.0.1 of the SDK.

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards, Mayank

Asked about 2 months ago