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To many requests on Instagram OAuth flow, what happen?

On redirect to: https://api.instagram.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=1010225960140535&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fgo.pin.top%2Foauth%2Fig&scope=user_profile&response_type=code&state=xQDBtUNBWslomg8X614TwJC9Ljt1iGVqVi37ImT1&force_authentication=1

Receive response with status 302 Found and redirect to: https://www.instagram.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=1010225960140535&redirect_uri=https://go.pin.top/oauth/ig&scope=user_profile&response_type=code&state=xQDBtUNBWslomg8X614TwJC9Ljt1iGVqVi37ImT1&force_authentication=1 Then return 429 To many requests, but in meta console no any throttled requests

질문함 약 2개월 전

We're seeing similar behavior. When the user is already logged into Instagram, then it seems to work. But when not already logged into Instagram, we get a 429 response.

9월 26일 오후 1:39

Same problem https://developers.facebook.com/community/threads/1044873260469178/?post_id=1044873263802511

10월 3일 오전 1:42

Same issue, this is pretty ridiculous problem people seem to be having for past month.

11월 2일 오전 4:56