My website isn't loading link previews on Facebook

I am trying to post articles from my website, but the link preview is not working. It has in the past, but it has been a couple years since I've shared posts.

I have checked with the debugger, but it says it is getting 403 errors when trying to reach my website. However, my website's access logs have no record of any IP address trying to reach the site at that moment, or even any 403 errors from GET requests.

I have made sure that facebookexternalhit is allowed in my robots.txt (which should still end up in my access logs if the site tried accessing it)

I recently verified my domain using a TXT record, as the same type of error would occur when I tried verifying using a tag on the page.

This issue has been going on for weeks.

Interestingly, after I verified the domain, the root page of my website now shows a very old preview (text description but no image) of my site when attempting to be shared. Though it still says it gets a bad response code in the debugger tool.

I am confused as to what is going on with the debugger and why the previews are not showing.

Asked about 2 months ago

Also, the previews work on LinkedIn, but only after using LinkedIn's own checker. The previews are blank before I try using it.

September 23 at 9:48 AM