Threads API post response: code 1 error_subcode 2207051 -- Threads API thinks my posts are spam

My TweegeemeeApp (Threads API App) just started getting reports like this (it was working well for 2 days)

{'error': {'message': 'An unknown error occurred', 'type': 'OAuthException', 'code': 1, 'error_subcode': 2207051, 'is_transient': False, 'error_user_title': 'action is blocked', 'error_user_msg': 'We restrict certain activity to protect our community. Tell us if you think we made a mistake.', 'fbtrace_id': 'AJV4mL_tmdEebgGaY4tdB_S'}}

I believe this means that the API thinks I'm a spammer. I am not trying to be a spammer, my Threads API bot evolves & posts imagery every hour. (2 images) It is just starting out so I don't have many followers yet.

Please let me know what to do to fix this. Thank you.

My Threads bot is at

Pregunta realizada hace aproximadamente 3 meses

This is my first issue with the Threads-API.
Am I asking this question in the right forum?

3 de julio a las 8:48 a. m.
Respuesta seleccionada

Having the same issue after just creating 5 posts via API. It happened after adding 2 hashtags and 2 URLs in one post for testing purposes.

5 de julio a la 1:20 a. m.

Not sure exactly how many posts it took but it was dozens before it hit me. I do have one URL and 2 hashtags, though.

Is it really punishing me for that?

It really would be nice to get some direct feedback.

5 de julio a las 11:38 a. m.

Restarting & retrying without the URL and only one hashtag...let's see if this resolves things.

11 de julio a las 10:07 p. m.