Verified business but I can't access WhatsApp message flows

I'm having a problem with business verification, when creating an application I added the business account and it is already verified. I already added everything necessary for it to be verified and the application is in Production mode but I can't do anything because it tells me that my business is not verified. and I have already verified it, I have already completed all the processes, I have already verified my business and everything necessary for it to work what I need is to be able to use the WhatsApp message flows, which currently tells me that it does not allow me to use it...

I would like to know what I am missing, what things I do not have for the verification of my business to be completed... Because for my part I already have everything and the same Meta App already appears in Production.

And I attach images and videos of my problem.

I would like you to verify my problem, because I feel that it is a Meta bug. and you can help me by activating WhatsApp flows.

Yosman Andres
Asked last Tuesday
Selected Answer

Hi Yosman, this probably means there are other steps you need to complete. From You will need to verify your business, complete the display name review process and maintain a high message quality.

To ensure high message quality, please go to WhatsApp Manager > Overview, and you'll find more details.

We are working to make it more clear inside WhatsApp Manager, as we understand right now could be confusing.

September 25 at 2:06 AM