Timeout Error During Video Upload - error subcode - [...]

Hello everyone,

I’m experiencing a frustrating issue with video uploads on our platform. The error occurs randomly and looks like this:

{'error': {'message': 'Timeout', 'type': 'OAuthException', 'code': -2, 'error_subcode': 2207003, 'is_transient': False, 'error_user_title': 'Timeout', 'error_user_msg': 'It takes too long to download the media.', 'fbtrace_id': 'ABz0F1RlwK8cqjHBvOvpYuu'}}

Has anyone encountered this error before? It mentions that it takes too long to download the media, but the error is intermittent and doesn’t happen with all uploads. I’ve checked our network and server performance, and everything seems normal.

Any insights or suggestions on how to troubleshoot and resolve this would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

Asked last Wednesday