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Instagram Graph API Conversation: cursor after Not Updating, No Data Retrieved for Next Page

When using the Instagram Graph API to retrieve conversations, I am experiencing an issue where the cursor "after" value remains the same, and the data for the next page is identical to the first page. Despite multiple requests, the cursor does not update, which prevents access to subsequent data pages. Example API call: /v20.0/[fb_page_id]/conversations?platform=instagram&fields=id,name,participants,updated_time,messages.limit(1),subject&limit=5 Response:

{ "data": [...], "paging": { "cursors": { "after": "ZAXlKMGFXMWxjM1JoYlhBaU9qRTNNak0xTkRRMk5qTXpNamNzSW5Sb2NtVmhaQUY5cFpBQ0k2SWpNME1ESTRNak0yTmpnME1UY3hNRE13TVRJME5ESTFPVFkyT1RFM09EVXpNak01T1Rnek55SjkZD" }, "next": "......" } }

The cursor "after" value does not change, and the result remains the same for the next page. It is a bug.

This problem persists and prevents pagination from working correctly. Could you provide guidance on how to resolve this issue?

Thank you for your assistance.

Вопрос задан около 3 мес. назад

I have the same issue.

26 августа в 10:20

I have the same issue also.

28 августа в 14:29
Выбранный ответ

I have the same issue. You can subscribe to my bug report, so there's a change it will be resolved quicker: https://developers.facebook.com/support/bugs/897272975552830/

24 августа в 01:55

Thanks, I did.

28 августа в 14:29