Not getting all comments for Instagram post

APi Call - 18003013457531743?fields=comments{from{id,username},hidden,id,like_count,media,text,timestamp,username,user{id,username},replies{id,media,text,from{id,username},timestamp,username,user{id,username}}}&limit=50

Actually this post has 167 comments but through apio calls we are getting only 10 comments

Enviada há cerca de 4 meses

Hi Team,

We have encountered the same issue again where the actual post has over 300 comments, but we are not receiving all the comments through API calls. The post is not marked as ads, ad_set, or campaigns.

I am sharing the Api call details for your reference.

Api - /18004229987621899/comments?fields=comment_type,created_at,id,instagram_comment_id,instagram_user{username},message,replies{comment_type,created_at,id,instagram_comment_id,instagram_user{username},message,mentioned_instagram_users},mentioned_instagram_users

17 de julho às 01:01

Hi Team,

We are encountering the same issue again where not all comments are being returned from the API calls. Here’s the request that we are using:

' 18003013457531743?fields=comments{from{id,username},hidden,id,like_count,media,text,timestamp,username,user{id,username},replies{id,media,text,from{id,username},timestamp,username,user{id,username}}}&limit=50 ' Despite this, we are not receiving all the comments from the API. Could you please look into this and provide an update?

Thank you!

22 de agosto às 02:40
Resposta selecionada

Please assist team as soon as possible

10 de julho às 00:40