Report of Unsupported Request Error in API

Hello Instagram Support Team,

I am encountering an issue while trying to access basic data through the Instagram API. When making a GET request, I receive the following error response: { "error": { "message": "Unsupported request - method type: get", "type": "IGApiException", "code": 100, "fbtrace_id": "AkBB2iUxHq" } }

API Call Details: $response = $client->request('GET', "", [ 'query' => [ 'fields' => 'id,username', 'access_token' => $accessToken ] ]);

Details: • API Endpoint: • Request Method: GET • Timestamp of the Request: 23-09-2024 5:20 PM IST • Account Type: Business

I have verified that my request follows the required guidelines, but I am still receiving this error. I would appreciate any assistance you can provide in resolving this issue.

Chun Fai
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