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Access verification get rejected when providing website

I have tried to submit access verification as required by the permissions ( My submission is rejected at the stage of providing website, where I have included our service official website, after we have submitted detail for:

Add details about how your business will use Platform Data (i.e., any info or data you obtain from us) to enable a product or service on behalf of your clients. Describe how your clients use your product or service.

The access verification is required for the tech provider and the rejection keeps coming back as "More information needed", without any further comment. The rejection doesn't include any comment or requirement.

Based on, the requirement of access verification is only: To complete verification, any person with Admin access on the business must categorize and describe how the business uses other businesses' data to provide a service for those businesses.

But doesn't mention any website requirement.

We would like to ask if any has the same issue and what should be included in the website. Thanks.

Enviada hace 5 meses aproximadamente

Were you able to get past this? We're encountering the same loop of no context and repeated rejection of our website address. We even had to purchase a domain just for this, because apparently all businesses should have a website, according to Meta. FFS 🙄

20 de sep. a la 1:34